Double Degree Master Programme in Development Economics - Bishkek, Kirghizstan

The UCA (University of Clermont Auvergne) and the Alatoo International University (AIU) in Bishkek, Kirghizstan, are jointly proposing a double degree master programme.

Successful enrolled students will receive two diplomas after two years of studies:

  • UCA : Master Economie du développement - 120 ECTS
  • AIU: Master in Economics, curriculum Development Economics - 120 ECTS

Both degrees are national degrees.  

The Double Degree - A human and cultural adventure - A positive signal in your CV

By implementing the double-degree, the two universities want to propose their students the opportunity to differentiate themselves on the job market, to multiply their professional opportunities, their personal and professional enrichment, to improve their foreign language skills, and to better master intercultural codes.

A double-degree is a great signal towards employers: it means the graduate is persevering, will be familiar with cross-cutting issues and will have a greater maturity. It also shows the adaptability and open-mindedness of the graduate from such a course.

Mobility Scheme

UCA students perform the first three semesters at the UCA, and the fourth semester at the AIU. 

At AIU, semester 4 consists of a research internship or master thesis writing, which can take different forms:


  1. In Ala-Too students will do their researches in the Silk Road research center; their responsibilities will be helping organizing international conferences, work on publications of the center etc.
  2. Under AIU professors’ supervision, students can write their research papers or thesis works (if their topics are related with Central Asian Economies or any topic which is relevant to AIU local professors.)
  3. Ala-Too can provide pedagogical internship (or teaching assistantship). Interns will attend lectures with one professor, conduct some seminar (practical) lessons for Bachelor students. They will learn how to teach, help professor with that lesson etc. 
  • Besides that, AIU proposes French language lessons, just 2 academic hours in a week. Interns can conduct it. A French language talking club will open where all the students from different departments who are interested in French can join and talk with native speaker.
  • UCA Interns will also have opportunity to take language courses as Kyrgyz and Russian languages for free.

II. IN International Development Organizations

There are many development organizations in Bishkek as UNDP, German GIZ, OSCE, USAID. (Find more under this link: :

In that case, Alatoo will supervise your internship, visit the internship places, do all supports and helps that they might need. According to their availability,  interns can visit AIU once a week.

Objectives and orientation

  • Offering a broad vision of economic development issues and using the standard operational tools of economic analysis.
  • Considering a context characterized by a growing trade and financial openness.
  • Examining market imperfections, inequality, poverty
  • Combining macro and microeconomic analysis, and considering short term as well as long-term issues.
  • Analyzing real situations and carry out a diagnosis by combining theoretical developments and statistics and/or econometrics approaches.
  • Designing development policies
  • Defining and promoting development programmes or projects
  • Integrating an international environment and multidisciplinary teams
  • Communicating with an expert public.
  • Leading outreach activities for a non-expert audience
  • Leading a team in a development programme or project
  • Operating databases

Graduates from the Double master Degree in Development Economics will work as professional economists on development issues in International organizations -United Nations agencies, banks of development, bilateral agencies for development- NGOs, community-based organizations, Governments -national agencies for development, economic policy analysis units, ministries- firms, financial sector, academia, consultancies…

Assets of the programme

  • All students benefit from the expertise of a renowned research team in the field of development at UCA
  • UCA students carry out their research internship or write their thesis in a competent and friendly environment, in the heart of a developing region, Central Asia, where many international organisations are active and where a lot of data are still to analyse.
  • After fulfilment of all degree requirement and related administrative processes, students get two master degrees. UCA awards the degree “Master en économie du développement », and AIU awards the degree « Master in ecnomics”.

More about Bishkek

Bishkek, formerly Pishpek and Frunze, is the capital and largest city of Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek is situated near the Kazakhstan–Kyrgyzstan border. Its population was 1,074,075 in 2021.  Bishkek is situated at an altitude of about 800 metres (2,600 ft), just off the northern fringe of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too Range, an extension of the Tian Shan mountain range. These mountains rise to a height of 4,895 metres (16,060 ft). North of the city, a fertile and gently undulating steppe extends far north into neighbouring Kazakhstan. The river Chüy drains most of the area. Bishkek is connected to the Turkestan–Siberia Railway by a spur line.  Bishkek is a city of wide boulevards and marble-faced public buildings combined with numerous Soviet-style apartment blocks surrounding interior courtyards. There are also thousands of smaller, privately built houses, mostly outside the city centre. Streets follow a grid pattern, with most flanked on both sides by narrow irrigation channels, which provide water to trees which provide shade during the hot summers.

Application and admission

Each university admits up to 6 candidates per academic year. Candidates are selected by the university they apply to.

Admission criteria

UCA students must hold a bachelor’s degree, with at least 60 ECTS (or equivalent) in economics, and 30 ECTS or equivalent in Development economics, Economic theory, Agricultural economics.

They must prove a minimum average grade of 12/20 in the French grading system over their undergraduate studies. Applicants who would have obtained their bachelor’s degree in another country will prove a GPA of 2.7/4 over their undergraduate studies.

Language skills in English must be equivalent to level B2 minimum accoding to the Common European Framework of reference for languages. Proof of English proficiency can be provided by:

  • Degree certificate of the study programme with English as a medium of instruction
  • TOEFL ibt with a minimum score of 95
  • Paper TOEFL minimum score 577
  • Cambridge scale “first” minimum grade: A / Cambridge English scale minimum 173
  • TOEIC score minimum 800
  • IELTS score 7
Applicants complete a double degree application form, and submit their application file by May 1st.

Application form to which the following documents will be attached:

  • A certified copy (or certified English translation) of the degree certificate.
  • A CV (in English) containing personal details, educational background, practical or professional work experiences or qualifications, and previous schlarships awards (E.G. Erasmus)

Tuition and fees

UCA students will pay the UCA registration fees only, even during the mobility period at AIU where they will be enrolled free of charge.

Enrolled students will benefit from the region scholarship while in mobility in the partner institution.